Valentine Collection Chart Giveaway

Valentine Collection

You can win this charming collection of 12 small love themed motifs. Here’s how:

It is so easy to enter this giveaway. To be eligible to win, just post a comment on the blog about how much you’d like to win these charts!  Be sure to include your email so we can contact you if you are a winner.

The winners (three will be selected using will be chosen on the first and third Wednesday of the month. The winners will be notified by email which will include the PDF Download for the chart. It’s so simple you won’t want to miss this opportunity to win!

Help us spread the word – share about the giveaway on Twitter and Facebook too with a link to our blog! If you do so, post an extra comment to let us know about it for an additional entry into the giveaway.

5 thoughts on “Valentine Collection Chart Giveaway”

  1. I am not good with words , so all I can say is I would love to be able to stitch these beautiful pieces .I hope you will consider me :o)

  2. Just love the designs and have stitch many in my time. About to be a Granny again and so the books have come out again to do baby stitching for our 6th grandchild.

  3. Love these designs. The key is especially fun! Love the colors! Also LOVE the heart mosaic in the top right hand corner… Would love to win.

  4. I love hearts, and these designs are gorgeous. I would love to stitch them. So please count me in. I have posted your giveaway on my blog. Sorry I’m not on facebook or twitter.

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